Being Introvert

Being Introvert 

Humans are social animal, they always constantly need someone with whom they can talk, spend time and interact. but in the case of introvert people that things get difficult specially with socialization. I am an introvert person and that's why I'm sharing my point of view as introvert. 

how do u know that you are an introvert ?
well it is not difficult to know whether you are introvert or not. If you have the following characteristics then may be you are an introvert.
  1. Being socially withdrawn 
  2. Don't like social interactions 
  3. Have more self love 
  4. Fragile ego 
  5. Enjoy the company of self than other 
  6. Usually no friends or a friend with great emotional bond 
  7. Creative 
  8. Shy 
  9. Don't talk much 
some other characteristics are also present but it can be varied with the individual. 

what struggle an introvert face?

well I'm gonna share some problems that I face during my life. Some of the problems are 
  1. It is difficult to interact with the different age group people like being an Indian we have to show respect to the elder people and be childish when talk to child. It feels so confusing that sometime I can't even start a conversation with other as specially with elders and strangers.
  2. fear of speaking in public: During the time of presentation or group talk or teaching in front of student is always make my legs shake specially for the first time eventually it fades away once you get to know the audience. 
  3. Expressing self: It is difficult to express our own thoughts or feelings in a group talk I rather think about the what people will think about me when they here me. It is not the case all the time though but still I just can't express my feelings to others.
  4. Attending the social gatherings: being a part of community we need to go and participate in the social gatherings such as marriage, birthday party, ring ceremony or even when you visit your relatives and I swear this time is the most difficult time cause every one gives you weird look and and try to communicate with you even if you don't want that. 
  5. when you meet extrovert: well this is going to be fun, first the extrovert thought but as soon he come to know that he is not getting the enough attention to listen to his/her shitty talk then get bored and eventually leave you. But this period for the introvert is like a hell. need to pretend that you are listening and attending someone is not always possible.
  6. Relationship problems: If your partner is an extrovert or a fragile man/women then the game over because you can't keep with them. Usually in the relationship people share their thought, feelings, ideas and views but being an introvert it is very difficult to do that and specially when you have the fear of breaking up. 


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