How to start Career/Job after Basic BSc nursing in India ?

After graduating in nursing the important question that comes in mind of every nurse/ nursing students is what to do now, well here is the answer for it.

Through my personal experience and my education, I have learned that there are two major areas where the nursing student can make career after graduating in India. 'Academic and Clinical' which can be either private or government sector. The pay scale at government hospitals is way better than the private private hospitals but it takes efforts and skill to get selected in recruitment examination conducted for the government hospital as well as colleges. 

Academic: The working of nurse as a educator is the main role in the academic area where you can teach to the nursing students and get more knowledge in the nursing field.

The vary basic post you can get in academic side is Nursing Tutor or Clinical Instructor post. in the Maharashtra for the becoming nursing tutor/clinical instructor the university like Maharashtra university of health sciences, Nashik (MUHS) ask for at least one year of experience, if you do not have experience don't panic you can start with any GNM school for the beginning teaching or any private hospital for the clinical experience. both the clinical as well as teaching experience will be count for the nursing tutor post in MUHS. 

Clinical: The nurse can work as a bed side nurse at any hospital after Basic BSc. nursing but in my recommendation please find at least 100 bedded hospital and more specific multispecialty hospital so that you can get variety of experience for the future need.  

Private colleges/hospitals: Many of the private colleges as well as hospitals need staff on consistent basis. The pay might be low as compare to government but you can get a lot of opportunity to sharpen your skills here. Generally speaking the workload in private hospitals is way high as compare to government setting but once you prepare yourself to work under pressure and surveillance it become very easy to handle the panic situation and workload. Please do find a good and reputed college of hospital for the job. 

Government college/hospital: The government sector is broadly divided into state government and central government hospital and colleges. 

State government: The state government colleges/hospitals can give you good pay scale as well as good facilities but to get selected into the state government you have to give the state government staff selection exam. In Maharashtra DHS and DMER are more popular among the nurses than other. The hospitals that comes under the State Government are PHCs, CHCs and District hospitals. After passing DHS exam you can work at Primary Health Centre (PHC) as a nurse and after passing DMER exam you can work at the District hospital as a staff nurse. 

Central government: As in state, central government also conduct the examination for the specific colleges/hospitals. The some of the hospitals are AIIMS, ESIC, Railway Recruitment, PGIMER, JIPMER etc. Every hospital conduct a different examination for the selection. some conduct written test only and some include skill test also. the pay scale at the central government/autonomous hospitals is much better than any other hospitals so in my opinion you must go for it. 

Now I think you can make up your mind on what you suppose to choose for your career in nursing. Best of luck with that. If You need any information regarding the opportunities feel free to contact me. please write in comment box regarding your queries. Thank you !  



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